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QtLinguist: Developed by The Qt Company to localize primarily Qt applications, this tool is able to translate TS, PO and XLIFF files. Despite being proprietary, it is open source and generally available on Linux via the package qttools5/qt5-qttools/qt5tools (name depends on the distribution) and via website download. Downloading from your distribution is recommended.
WordFast Anywhere (free, online, registration needed) also integrates an autoaligner. Upload the source and target files, launch the alignment, and get a ZIP file with a TMX, XLS and TXT of automatically aligned bitext.
SubtitleNEXT is a professional tool for video captioning and subtitling, which claims to be fully functional on Linux through Wine (you can download the Demo version and see for yourself). It requires the installation of LAVFilters.
AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11, formerly hosted at OldAutoKey, and updated to run on Python 3. It allows you to manage a collection of scripts, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these scripts allowing you to execute them on demand in whatever program you are using. It can also be used as a text expander, where you store phrases (snippets of text) to be reused across various applications by typing an abbreviation or a keyboard shortcut. 2ff7e9595c