XML documents are compatible with various multimedia elements, allowing to include images, videos, and audio files. One can even add active components like ActiveX or Java applets. Publishers, generally make the best use of this feature while converting their interactive digital books to XML.
Java Applet Convert Html5 Epub
When using the EPUB3 converter, the ebook-format attribute resolves to the name of the e-book format being generated (epub3 or kf8) and the corresponding attribute ebook-format- is defined, where is epub3 or kf8.You can use these attributes in a preprocessor directive if you only want to show certain content to readers using a particular device.For instance, if you want to display a message to readers on Kindle, you can use:
The location of an object's implementation is given by a URI. As wediscussed in the introduction toURIs, the first segment of an absolute URI specifies the naming scheme usedto transfer the data designated by the URI. For HTML documents, this scheme isfrequently "http". Some applets might employ other naming schemes. Forinstance, when specifying a Java applet, authors may use URIs that begin with"java" and for ActiveX applets, authors may use "clsid".
why not just have the rendering agent take textile input,convert it to (x)html itself, and then to .epub if it must,and _then_ display it. why do we have to do all of theseconversions, that the machine can do just as well itself?)